Support to develop car production , import and trading business for local companies and for those
foreign companies who want to bring forward their business in Myanmar.
Assist the local transporation sector by spreading out the wide uses of car for every layer.
Creating the job vacancy and opportunity for the local community based on the automobile
businesses expansion.
Encourage the new business or products concerning with automobile.
Heed all the problems and requirements from members and try to consult and help to have better
Standardize the local Automobile Community with ASEAN Automobile Business.
Issue MAMDA profile annually.
Issue member ID card.
Constitute association according to States and Region.
Collecting member.
Analyze memorandum of association and article of association.
Negotiate conflict between member.
Grouping members who are in the same business nature.
It offers the followings:
Update website.
Prepare for AGM and National Workshop.
Arrange exhibitions around year.
It offers the followings:
Arrange to get advertisement from automobile companies for MAMDA Profile.
Arrange to get sponsors for exhibitions.
Creating budget plan.
It offers the followings:
Perform to sign MOU by communication with foreign association.
Meet with international guests.
Attend and hold both local and foreign meetings.
It offers the followings:
Draw monthly account for importing cars and spare parts.
Perform to get market research.
Arrange to development skilled workers.
Arrange to set CIF price.
The head-office of MAMDA is in Yangon. Now it has branches in other division such as Mandalay,
Taungyi and Sagaing. Performing even better with all the support from three branches. All the updated
information and news about automobile from different divisions and making a better corporation and
Provide all the updated news of automobile industry such as car prices, market condition for
importers, investment news for local manufacturing, communication with foreign delegations and
others relationship between automobile business in local sector and global sector.
Create as much as opportunities to all MAMDA’s members.
Conduct to set up automobile business services cooperation in Myanmar.
Make door to door discussion with the other business partners.